Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in InterDISCIPLINARY and Comparative Perspectives: An International Conference This Conference proposes to create a forum that will permit scholars to engage in a cross-national and cross-disciplinary dialogue on the Portuguese diaspora. All comparative and interdisciplinary forms of the Portuguese-speaking diaspora (Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe) will be considered: sociological, economic, political, literary, linguistic, historical, cultural, and others.
We would like to thank all colleagues who have sent abstracts. It has been an excellent response to the Call for Papers. Review of abstracs will continue through March 25th, 2013, as originally indicated.
Vimos agradecer a todos os colegas que nos enviaram resumos. A vossa tem sido uma excelente manifestação de boa vontade ao nosso Convite para Apresentação de Trabalhos. As avaliações das propostas de trabalho continuarão até ao dia 25 de Março de 2013, como constava no convite original
*Any questions and contact offline: ics@brocku.ca or dmscott@anderson.edu
*A selection of the papers presented will be published in a refereed academic volume.
Irene Maria F. Blayer (Brock University, Canada), Teresa Cid (University of Lisbon, Portugal), Francisco Cota Fagundes (UMass Amherst, USA), Dulce Maria Scott (Anderson University, USA)