Special Issue – InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies
(Fall 2016)
Lusitania’s Worlds: Cultural Achievements of the Portuguese Diaspora
Guest Editor: Albert Braz, University of Alberta
(Fall 2016)
Lusitania’s Worlds: Cultural Achievements of the Portuguese Diaspora
Guest Editor: Albert Braz, University of Alberta
Fernando Pessoa’s heteronym Álvaro de Campos wrote that he belonged to that “class of Portuguese/ Who, once India was discovered, were out/ Of work” (“Pertenço a um género de portugueses/ Que depois de estar a Índia descoberta/ Ficaram sem trabalho”).
He obviously was not alone. Millions of Portuguese have left their homeland in search of either work or adventure and spanned the globe. Many of them, and their progeny, have made major cultural contributions to their new lands.
This special issue explores the extent and significance of the cultural contributions made by Portuguese around the world.
While we will consider assessments of the work of any artist of Portuguese origin living outside Portugal, we are especially interested in those artists that engage with the Portuguese diasporic experience.
Unpublished essays or interviews, in either Portuguese or English, are welcome in any domain of the arts, such as architecture, cinema, dance, literature, music, painting, photography, printmaking, theatre, sculpture, and so on.
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically as Word documents. When submitting your paper, please use the following checklist to match your submission with the editorial guidelines:
1. On a separate page, please include the following author’s information: name, address, and email address, professional affiliation, biographical note (maximum 150 words)
2. Title of the paper
3. Abstract (400-500 words), and Keywords (5-7 maximum, separated by commas)
4. Research Paper:
a) Length: 20-25 pages maximum. This length includes only the text of the article and not the abstract, references, notes and appendices
b) Essay should conform to the MLA preparation guidelines for punctuation, spelling, capitalization, italics, abbreviations, headings, subheadings, quotations, numbers, tables, figures, citations, and references (
c) Papers should use: double-spaced text – 12-point standard font -(Times, Times Roman)- 1 inch (2,54cm) margins (i.e., top, bottom, left, right) – italics, as needed, but no underlining – page numbers, in the upper right corner of the page header; – section headers, as needed- endnotes – any acknowledgements of persons, institutions, or granting agencies should be brief. – tables, figures and other artwork: Number tables, figures or illustrations consecutively throughout the text. Each should include a title. All labels on figures and illustrations must be typeset. Images must be accompanied with proof of copyright permission.
Book reviews are not to exceed 1,500 words in length.
Prospective contributors should email all inquiries and submissions to the issue
Guest Editor, Albert Braz:
Prospective contributors should email all inquiries and submissions to the issue
Guest Editor, Albert Braz:
The call for papers to InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS) is constantly open. Registration and login are required to submit items online and also to check the status of current submissions Please read the Author Guidelines before submitting your complete paper. Also, note our specific call for papers for special volumes.
All articles submitted to IJPDS go through a double blind peer review process.
The Editors,
Irene Maria F. Blayer and Dulce Maria Scott