Homage to António Costa Pinheiro (1932-2015)
Fernando Pessoa – Heterónimo (1)
Chess pieces—king–sized pawns sitting like curates in an
Italian comedy.
The man himself dreams these other men who also dream
their sometimes technicolor dream to themselves.
These pieces while away the time, waiting to be taken, waiting
for ships that sail, women who stare, palm trees that stand.
All things are still—on the wing.
(June 19, 1984)
Fernando Pessoa – Heterónimo (2)
king / pawns
in an Italian
a man himself
unwise men who
themselves dream
ships that sail
standing palms
women staring
on the wing
(Feb. 2, 1985)
George Monteiro is a lifelong student and teacher of nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature, contributing to the scholarship on numerous writers, including Edgar Allan Poe, Henry Adams, Henry James, Emily Dickinson, Edith Wharton, Stephen Crane, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, Robert Frost, T. S. Eliot and Bob Dylan. His latest book is Elizabeth Bishop in Brazil and After: A Poetic Career Transformed (McFarland, 2012).
"Figura cimeira da arte portuguesa do séc. XX, Costa Pinheiro nasce em Moura em 1932. Bolseiro do Ministério da Cultura da Baviera, estudou na Academia de Belas Artes de Munique, onde foi aluno do pintor Geitlinger. Posteriormente, como Bolseiro da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, instala-se em Paris em 1960, onde funda o grupo KWY, em conjunto com Lourdes Castro, João Vieira, Gonçalo Duarte, René Bertholo,José Escada e ainda Jan Voss e Christo. Em 1963 regressa a Munique e passa a desenvolver a sua actividade artística entre esta cidade e o Algarve." (http://www.agendalx.pt/evento/costa-pinheiro-o-pintor-ele-mesmo#.VhunWflViko