Marriot Courtyard Hotel – Charles River Ballroom
777 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139
•I. Health
•II. Deportation
•III. Community Advocacy
8:30 am Registration / Breakfast / Networking
9:30 am Opening Address:
•· André Bradford, His Excellency the Regional Secretary of the Presidency of the Government of
the Azores – Portugal
10:00 am Key note speaker:
•· Craig Mello, Recipient of The Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2006 – USA
“Human Rights and Quality of Life, one Scientists Perspective”
10:30 am BREAK
10:45 am PaneL I: Health
Moderator: Paulo Pinto, MPA – MAPS Executive Director – USA
Gilberta Rocha, Ph. D. – Professor at University of Azores – PORTUGAL
“Desigualdades de Género – a violência conjugal nos Açores”
Fernanda Da Silva – Community worker/Coordinator for the AIDS Committee of Toronto Lesley (ACT) – CANADA
“HIV/AIDS Health Barriers of the Portuguese-speaking communities in Toronto, Canada”
Cidalia Pereira (Community Worker) & Marilia Santos (Counselor) Abrigo Centre – Toronto, Canada
“The Aging Portuguese Community in Toronto – decreasing isolation“
Ana Nava, Ph. D. – Psychoterapist at the Cambridge Health Alliance, MA – USA
“I am not crazy” – Portuguese-speaking immigrants changing views on Mental Health Services“
Branca Telles Ribeiro, Ph.D. – Associate Professor in the Intercultural Relations Program at Lesley University
& Solange de Azambuja Lira, Ph.D. – Professor of Education at Lesley University – USA
“An analysis of Communicative Styles of Brazilian Healthcare Providers in US Healthcare Settings”
12:30 pm LUNCH
1:30 pm PaneL II: Deportation – PART I: Perspectives from US
Moderator: Maria da Graça Borges Castanho, Ph.D., Regional Director for the Communities,
Government of the Azores – PORTUGAL
Leila Rosa, MA – Doctoral Candidate Universiy of South Florida – USA
“The Impact of geography in deportation: The Deportation of Cape Verdeans
Daniel Kanstroom, J.D.; LL.M. – Professor of Law and Director, International Human Rights Program –
Boston College Law School, Newton – USA
“Deportation, Human Rights, and the Unplanned Diaspora”
Helena Marques – Executive Director- Immigrants Assistant Center, New Bedford – USA
“Impact of Deportation on US Children and Families”
Painel II: Deportation-PartII: Perspectives from Portugal and Cape Verde
Suzete de Frias, ARRISCA, Azores – PORTUGAL
“Spining along the victim/offender cycle”
Paulo Fontes – Associação NOVO DIA, Azores – PORTUGAL
“Sem-Abrigo: condições intersubjectivas de reconhecimento
Dario Muhamudo – International Organization for Migration, Praia, Cape Verde
“Utilizando a Abordagem baseada nos Direitos Humanos para o Reforço das Capacidades das
Autoridades Cabo Verdianas no Domínio da Gestão das Migrações e Fortalecimento de
Laços com a Diáspora”
Joao Paulo Rodrigues, Researcher at Robert Schuman Institute, Azores – PORTUGAL
“O Barco e o Sonho – Deportação – Da teoria à prática”
3:45 pm BREAK
4:00 pm PaneL III: Community Advocacy
Moderator: Fátima Dias, University of Azores – PORTUGAL
Dawna M. Thomas, Ph.D. – Associate Professor in the Africana Studies and Chair of Women’s
Gender Studies Department at Simmons College, Boston – USA
Gunga Tavares, Journalist and Cultural Attaché, Consulate General of Cape Verde, Boston – USA
“Breaking the Silence on Abuse in the Cape Verdean Family”
Helena Chaves Costa, Presidente da APAV-Açores – PORTUGAL
“O Apoio à vítima de crime: perspectiva do trabalho da APAV na defesa dos Direitos Humanos”
Rosa Farizo, Senior paralegal – South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc. – USA
“Senior Law Projects of SCCLS”
Joaquina Pires, Missão Santa Cruz, Montreal – CANADA
“A Situação dos idosos de origem Portuguesa na região Montreal: uma causa esquecida?”
Maria Pereira – Catholic Social Services & Teresa Larson- Coastline Elderly Services, Inc. – USA
“Sustainability of programs that address the quality of life of Portuguese Elders:
A challenge for the future”
Felicidade Rodrigues – Working Women Community Centre, Toronto, Canada
“Direitos Humanos no contexto da Mulher e o Trabalho no Canadá”
5:30 pm Lançamento dos livros:
de Mário Mesquita
SÓCIO-CRIMINAL, de Gilberta Rocha
Nov 10th – Morning Session at MAPS
IV. MAPS work in the Community
V Leadership
8:30 am Registration / Breakfast / Networking
9:15 am Welcome by Paulo Pinto, MPA – MAPS Executive Director – USA
9:30 am PaneL IV: MAPS Work in the Community
Osvalda Rodrigues, MA Director of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Svcs. Director of the
Lowell Office – USA
“Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault”
Anabela Quelha, MSC – Director of Disease Prevention & Education Programs – USA
“HIV/AIDS & Breast Cancer Prevention”
Beatriz Maimone, LICSW – Director of Clinical & Support Services at MAPS – USA
“Immigrant and Elder Services”
10:30 am BREAK
10:45 am Panel V: Leadership
Moderator: Margarida Serpa, Ph.D. – Retired Mass Dept of Education – USA
Jose C. Teixeira, Ph.D. – Associate Professor, University of Bristish Columbia – Canada
“Welcoming Communities? Barriers and Outcomes in the Housing Searches of New Immigrants
and Refugees: A Case Study of Angolan, Mozambicans and Cape Verdeans in Toronto’s Rental Market”
Heloisa Galvão, MA – Co-Founder and President of the Brazilian Women’s Group, Allston – USA
“Immigrants rights are human rights are women’s rights”
Nisa Remígio, – Freelancer, Researcher and speaker on issues of Identity, Culture and
Immigration/Multimedia producer and artist/Project manager-Montreal, Quebec, Canada
“Breaking stereotypes: forging new identities amongst pioneer Azorean-Canadian immigrant women”
Valadao Serpa, Ph.D., Professor at UMass Boston – USA
“Linguagem Sexista”
12:30 pm LUNCH at Faialense Club
1:30 pm Transfer to Lesley University from Faialense Club
Nov 10th – Afternoon Session at Lesley University
VI. Education
2:00 pm Panel VI: Education
Moderator: Maria de Lourdes Serpa, Ph.D. – Professor of Education & Special Education, Lesley University,
Cambridge – USA
Naomi Couto, Ph.D. – York University, Toronto – Canada
“Crime, Education, and Identity: Reflections on Portuguese Youth at Risk”
Dulce Maria Scott, Ph.D. – Professor at Anderson University, Indiana – USA
“Portuguese American Educational Achievement and Attitudes towards Education:
A comparative analysis accross groups, states and generations“
Marcony Almeida – Director of Organizing MIRA Coalition, Inc. Boston – USA
“Immigrant access to higher education”
Eduardo Siqueira, MD, ScD – Associate Professor for Research Umass- Boston – USA
“Brazilians Immigrant Worker Rights are Human Rights: Brazilians Came to Massachusetts to
Work not to Die, Get Sick or Injured”
João M. Monteiro, Ph.D. – Associate Professor – Chair, Sociology Department Eastern University,
St. Davids, Pennsylvania – USA
“Transnationalism and Quality of Life in a New England Immigrant Community”
Ambrizeth Lima, Ed.D. – Boston Public Schools – USA
“Na Buska Bida(Looking for a Better Life): A Myth or Reality? The Experience of
Cape Verdean Youth in the Boston Area”
03:45 pm BREAK
4:00 pm Closing remarks by: Padre Jardim Moreira, Presidente da Rede Europeia
Anti-pobreza – PORTUGAL
“Os Direitos Humanos em tempos de crise(s): reforçar o trabalho em rede
numa lógica de proximidade”
4:30 pm Assinatura do Protocolo da Rede Internacional de Organizações de
Serviço Social e entrega de Certificados de Apreço
5:00 pm Convívio entre Participantes
The objectives of this symposium include:
•1) To provide participants with a place for reflection, in which problems and social issues
affecting our emigrant communities are analyzed in the light of Human Rights, allowing all
of which are involved in different projects and social services through their professional
occupation, to gain knowledge and understanding about the major instruments on Human Rights,
as well as about effective strategies for the promotion and protection of those rights.
•2) To maintain an ongoing monitoring and attention to the new difficulties faced by
Portuguese-speaking communities in light of the global socio-economic context, through
the strengthening of international net works composed of governmental institutions,
non-profit organizations, and social services’ organizations which, due to the proximity
to citizens and to the knowledge of their specific needs, can better adequately respond to
the emerging challenges.
•3) To promote the vitalization and expansion of those networks to new partnerships,
in order to ensure maximum participation and collaboration of associations and organizations
to provide social support to our communities in the development of potential projects
and actions to improve the quality of life and the successful integration of citizens in host societies.
Organized by:
Direcção Regional das Comunidades
Lesley University
BOSTON College
Princeton University
Direcção Regional das Comunidades