Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora: Piecing Things Together by Alves, Teresa; Blayer, Irene Maria F.; Cid, Teresa, and Fagundes, Francisco Cota.
The book, Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora presents a variety of perspectives on the Portuguese diaspora-from literature to identity discourse to biography/autobiography. The volume is divided into three parts: Reading Literary Identities Within and Without Borders; Constructing / Constructed Extra-Literary Identities Home and Abroad; and Literary Ethnic Voices from the North American Diaspora and Beyond. The 22 texts presented in this volume highlight the diasporic themes and backgrounds upon which the scope of the scholarly texts as well as the personal contributions (short stories, poetry, interviews, autobiographical memory) can be interwoven in a narrative identity construction.
Hardcover: 315 pages Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing: New York, Oxford, Berne. First edition (September 1, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 1433114305 ISBN-13: 978-1433114304