I cannot stress enough the importance of this blog, which has united such a large group of distinguished Azoreans in different parts of the world. Without it, many would probably not even know of each others’ existence. The postings during the last three years-over 730-constitute an invaluable source of knowledge and, as anyone who has done administrative and editorial work realizes, it takes a great amount of time and dedication to direct such an ambitious project.
My heartfelt congratulations to Irene and Lélia for what they have accomplished during the last three years. We all owe them a sincere debt of gratitude.
Manuel da Costa Fontes
Comum unidade
Comunidades?… Geograficamente, sim. Estamos por este mundo fora tão divididos, tão separados uns dos outros… As ilhas, arquipélago de alto mar, transfiguraram-se em ilhas de gente sobre terra firme. Mudaram no mapa, não mudaram na alma. De vez em quando, no entanto, o mar-terra-firme, onde as marés se medem pela cotação social da bolsa de cada um, e as ondas são maneiras diferentes de entender a vida, esboroam um ou outro ilhéu. Que se dilui, assim, em outras águas. Mas a maioria continua a ser o que era e a sê-lo como era. Pelo menos a sentir-se muitas vezes com vontade de pendurar as cítaras da saudade nos salgueiros das Babilónias que os acolhem. Para um ilhéu, dizer “a minha ilha” não é metáfora. Porque o normal é pertencermos à ilha e a ilha pertencer-nos.
Comunidades?… Humanamente, não. O sentimento é o mesmo e a referência não se perde. Não importa a terra aonde foram, não importa o tempo da separação. Ainda que mude o sotaque ou a própria língua madre, a alma, o coração, teimosamente permanecem. Ou oscilam entre o cá e o lá dos afectos. Sem culpa nem remissão.
“Comunidades”… Um “blog” de entre o cá e o lá que nós somos. Por isso de nós todos. Os que nele escrevem, os que apenas o lêem, os que não sabem, até, que ele existe. Que completou três anos com a maturidade já da idade adulta.
Parabéns, Lélia, parabéns, Irene, porque tão bem traçaram o esboço sobre que muitos vão derramando as tintas das suas palavras.
Daniel de Sá
Olá Lélia e Irene,
Parabéns pela efeméride. Imagino quanto trabalho e prazer o blogue vos dá a ti e à Irene. É necessária muita dedicação e vocês têm demonstrado muita garra e determinação.
Bem hajam! E, continuem!!!…
Um abraço
Tony Goulart
On behalf of the Portuguese-Canadian National Congress, I’d like to send Prof. Irene Blayer and Prof. Lélia Nunes our most heartfelt and warmest congratulations on the 3rd anniversary of the blog Comunidades. This innovative space has set a new standard, in the dissemination of the literature and ideas of Azoreans and their descendants. In so doing, it has also created a common area for those in the Portuguese diaspora, who work at the highest levels on promoting our language and culture. You have created a site of which all Luso-descendants can truly be proud. On a personal level, I’d also like to thank Irene for her years of tireless contributions to the Portuguese-Canadian community. We are all richer for your involvement.
Fernando Nunes
Eastern Canada
Vice-President Portuguese-Canadian National Congress
As a graduate student in the School of Education at the University of California at Davis, I participated in a seminar that dealt with students’ cultural issues. The professor, a gracious scholar of Hispanic descent, shared with us an account of two students who had enrolled in the class in a previous year. They were initially reticent, she said, because they apparently did not think they had much to contribute in terms of ethnic knowledge or observations. However, when she gave them some additional encouragement, they opened up about their Azorean background and soon demonstrated that they possessed a rich and living heritage from their island ancestors. The professor’s account reminded me of how Portuguese-Americans are often content to remain “invisible” minorities, when we should be as proud and as willing to share our cultural inheritance as any other group.
This lesson stayed with me when I decided to tell my family’s story in fictional form. Thanks to the encouragement of Irene Maria F. Blayer and her decision to publish excerpts from my manuscript on Comunidades, I have had the privilege of sharing family lore with others. Now I enjoy a sense of renewal in my Azorean heritage. I extend my warmest congratulations to those who have nurtured Comunidades to its three-year anniversary. Parabéns!
Anthony Barcellos
Davis, California