CALL FOR PAPERS – Special Issue
InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS)
Words in Exile: Poetics of Female Voices of the Portuguese-Speaking World
Guest Editor: Dora Nunes Gago, University of Macau
Unpublished and original papers, in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French are welcome. Possible areas for consideration include, but are not limited to:
● Comparative and historical perspectives
● Literary representations and stereotypes
● Identity and alterity
● Representations of feminity in exile in works of art, music, and literature
● The exilic perspective; the diasporic female intellectual
● Literary representations of generations
● Language, languages, bilingualism, translation
● Translation and orality
● Memory: remembering and forgetting
● Trauma and narrative repair
● Creative writing
● Transnational literary genres, life writing, fiction, drama, poetry, internet
● Interdisciplinary perspectives of female writings
● Questioning the other
All articles will be refereed. An invitation to submit a paper to the special issue in no way guarantees that the paper will be published; this is dependent on the review process. Prospective contributors should email all inquiries and submissions to the issue guest editor, Dora Nunes Gago, PhD (
Article: September 15th, 2014.
Decision: December 15th, 2014
Publication: June 2015
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically as word documents.When submitting your paper, please use the following checklist to match your submission with the editorial guidelines:
On a separate page, please include the following author’s information: name, address, and email address, professional affiliation, biographical note (maximum 150 words)
Title of the paper
Abstract (400-500 words), and Keywords (5-7 maximum, separated by commas)
Research Paper:
a) Length: 20-25 pages maximum. This length includes only the text of the article and not the abstract, references, notes and appendices.
b) Paper should conform to the MLA preparation guidelines for punctuation, spelling, capitalization, italics, abbreviations, headings, subheadings, quotations, numbers, tables, figures, citations, and references (
c) Papers should use:
double-spaced text – 12-point standard font -(Times, Times Roman)- 1 inch (2,54cm) margins (i.e., top, bottom, left, right) – italics, as needed, but no underlining – page numbers, in the upper right corner of the page header; – section headers, as needed- endnotes – any acknowledgements of persons, institutions, or granting agencies should be brief. – tables, figures and other artwork: Number tables, figures or illustrations consecutively throughout the text. Each should include a title. All labels on figures and illustrations must be typeset. Images must be accompanied with proof of copyright permission.
Book reviews are not to exceed 1,500 words in length.
Special Issue – InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies
Guest Editor
Dora Nunes Gago, PhD